New 6mm 115gr DTAC from David Tubb
August 22, 2016R Bros Rifles was started by Travis Redell who started building rifles mainly for family and a couple of friends. In 2006 Travis started to get into long range hunting and shooting and built his first rifle which was a 243AI in a fast twist barrel. All of the previous rifles that Travis built were more for sporting type hunting purposes, but after shooting the 243AI long range, he was hooked. Travis used his 243AI to take 2 antelope and 3 deer that year at ranges out to 600yds. Seeing that his methods of building a precision gun yielded such high level precision results, he started building more long range rifles in larger calibers and they were still carrying .5 MOA or better groups out to 1000yds and beyond. At this point Travis started R Bros Rifles in early 2007 to mainly do specialized firearm coatings and build a couple rifles a year. He and his brother Jesse started shooting tactical competitions in 2008 and took 1st place in their first match, the West Coast Tactical, using their coyote hunting rifles. This got shooters’ attention and Travis was not able to fly under the radar anymore. After winning a few competitions, and people seeing his rifles, a hobby quickly became a business.
Travis continues to refine machining techniques to produce a perfect product. His obsession of precision knows no bounds as the tolerances of his rifles come down tenths of one thousands of an inch. The rifles have evolved to exceed the needs of the Hunting, Competition, and Law Enforcement markets. Although the company has grown substantially since its humble beginnings in 2007, Travis still does all the machining and builds himself. He will not allow others to get near a lathe. The reason? He will not admit this but the reason is simple, he has yet to find anyone that can do what he does. He has two others helping with marketing and sales, but that is where their services end. The rifles, are built by Travis alone. R Bros has placed in the top rankings over the last few years in the Precision Rifles Series, as well as sponsoring several matches across the country, while still being very active in the Northwest shooting events. The company also provides extremely intuitive classes throughout the year for both civilians and law enforcement to help refine their long range skills. The shop has expanded to inventorying barrels, stocks, actions, triggers, etc so that the lead-times can remain low. In the world of custom rifles it’s not uncommon to have to wait 10 months or more. Carrying inventory has allowed R Bros to either have rifles in-stock ready to ship, or at the maximum, a 4 month lead-time. One program R Bros started last year was to have rifles built up “in the white”. This would allow customers to order them and choose their colors and finishes in order to complete their own custom. These rifles usually ship within 2-3 weeks.
Travis did start building rifles since the age of 7 and has been around the business his entire life.
“Growing up our parents had a gas/service station in a small town. Our father also ran a small gunsmithing operation out of part of the building. We learned to do everything in the shop from sweeping floor, oiling the machines, to finally being able to run the machines. Since our parents were the only employees of the shop, we spent a lot of time there. Our Saturday’s were “tear something apart and put it back together days”. Dad would give us old broken rifles and have us take them apart and figure out how they worked and go back together. Most of the time, we ended up with a pile of part left over, but after time, they started going back together.
Since our father had a fascination with firearms, we also picked it up. As much as I would like to say that we had law enforcement or military training, or that we attended a trade school that taught us everything we know, I can’t do that. We learned from the older generation gunsmiths and then blended new styles and techniques with it. Granted, our quest for the most accuracy has taken us a long ways from the original practices I learned in the beginning. I still put 100% effort in each piece of work to make it as accurate as possible. I build each and every rifle as if it were going to be my own.”
Travis is a custom gun builder that truly stands out in the community. Those that have the privilege of knowing him and owning his rifles in the precision and hunting community will tell you that when they received their precision guns they were amazing by the extra details and services added to the build that they were not charged for. Travis personally test fires and breaks in every rifle he builds. If it does not meet his obsessive and almost unrealistic demands, it does not leave the shop. The customer will also get a test target with one hole in it, that hole that has 8-10 rounds through it. This target will also have Travis’s recommended load data for the shooter to use if they so choose. As R Bros Rifles customers will tell you, using this data for outlandish accuracy is highly recommended.